Pay Perclick, You only must pay if your advertisement was clicked. You could supervise your advertisement through feature the management and the report that were provided by us. The owner can be learning our method helped you to produce money for you.
Design and the colour of the advertisement could be matched with design your site.
You could receive and refuse the advertisement that will be installed to your site.
Pasang Iklan
Dapatkan traffic untuk situs Anda disini
Sistem Bayar Per Klik. Anda hanya perlu membayar jika iklan Anda diklik.
Design and the colour of the advertisement could be matched with design your site.
You could receive and refuse the advertisement that will be installed to your site.
Pasang Iklan
Dapatkan traffic untuk situs Anda disini
Sistem Bayar Per Klik. Anda hanya perlu membayar jika iklan Anda diklik.
- Transparan. Anda dapat mengawasi iklan Anda melalui feature manajemen dan laporan yang kami sediakan.
- Khusus untuk wilayah Indonesia
- Bentuk dan warna iklan dapat disesuaikan dengan design situs Anda.
- Kontrol penuh terhadap iklan yang dimuat pada situs Anda. Anda dapat menerima maupun menolak iklan yang hendak dipasang pada situs Anda.
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