"In terms of medical, masturbation or masturbation was something normal and natural. There is no impact of the medical, research is also nothing that says that masturbation is bad," said Dr Boyke while launching his latest book and held a talk show was themed "It's All About Sex" , in Gramedia bookstores, Matraman, East Jakarta, Sunday (18/4/2010).
However, Dr Boyke says she is still frequently bombarded with questions by the patient's masturbation how often activities are still safe and normal. On this, Dr Boyke answering diplomatically. He said masturbation is a normal good and if it is done without feeling overwhelmed with sin. Often, said Boyke, the negative effects of masturbation arise because a person feels she has done no sin to masturbate.
"Well, this kind of psychological problem that could give problems. There is a psychological problem here," he said.
Therefore, for those who wondered how often masturbate normal and safe to say, Dr Boyke mention, masturbation can be sufficiently conducted twice a week. These frequencies, said to be sufficient and normal Boyke meet a person's sexual desire.
Boyke doctor also explained, masturbation is not always categorized as deviant sex acts. In fact, masturbation can be a solution and alternative to the problems of sex someone. "For instance, a husband who served in a separate town with his wife. As a solution, she's better to masturbate," he said.
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