Teach babies to swim when they are still a few months old can help improve balance and coordination in the future. Even when the five-year-old children who had been invited to swim since the baby looks more outperformed the other children in terms of balance and ability to understand something, so the scientists found.
Professor Hermundur Sigmundsson of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, and Brian Hopkins, of Lancaster University, membandingkan19 babies who are often invited to play in the pool with 19 infants who had never played in a swimming pool. All other factors, such as parent education, housing and economic status, is similar in the two groups.
Group of babies who like to swim, swim trained once a week for two hours from the age of 2-3 months to seven months. In a special session, they are trained to float on the water, diving, jumping from the edge of the pond, and reached the floating object.
When both groups of infants aged five years, they were tested with similar exercises. Exercise, including walking on tiptoe, balancing on one leg, jumping rope, rolling a ball to the target and catch bag. "We see very clearly that the baby is the best swimmer in training related to balance and ability to achieve something," said Prof. Sigmundsson.
He also said that babies who do certain exercises while swimming, will produce better results.
"It's very interesting that a training program for the baby pool influential in their future. The development of the ability to maintain balance and blended with the experience and learning," he said. The study, published in Child: Care Health and Development in May 2010 issue of this took place in his homeland, Iceland.
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