
99,9 Persen Siswa SMA di Yogyakarta Lulus UN

Yogyakarta - Sebanyak 198 siswa SMA/MA dan SMK di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) tidak lulus Ujian Nasional (UN). Angka kelulusan UN saat naik menjadi 99,9 persen dari tahun sebelumnya. Tahun ini siswa yang dinyatakan tidak lulus hanya 0,79 persen atau kurang dari 1 persen saja.

"Tahun ini angka kelulusanya meningkat lebih baik dari sebelumnya yang mencapai 5 persen," kata Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olah Raga (Disdikpora) DIY, Baskara Aji kepada wartawan di kantor Jl Cendana Yogyakarta, Senin (16/5/2011).

Menurut dia, seluruh siswa SMA/MA dan SMK yang mengikuti UN tahun ini sebanyak 41.700 siswa. Sebanyak SMA/MA dan SMK peserta UN, 198 di antaranya tidak lulus. Siswa SMA/MA yang tidak lulus sebanyak 148 siswa. Sebanyak 50 siswa SMK dinyatakan tidak lulus UN.

Baskara mengatakan berdasarkan program studi, angka ketidaklulusan tertinggi SMA dan MA adalah jurusan IPS dengan jumlah siswa tidak lulus 114 siswa. Urutan kedua adalah jurusan IPA sebanyak 31 orang. Selanjutnya adalah agama sebanyak 3 orang. "Untuk kelas Bahasa di SMA dinyatakan lulus 100 persen," katanya.

Menurutnya sekolah penyelenggara UN tahun ini terdiri dari 173 SMA IPA dengan 30 gabungan, 201 SMA IPS, 11 SMA Bahasa, 11 MA Agama dan 157 SMK dengan 36 gabungan.

"Dari jumlah sekolah penyelenggara, tidak ada sekolah yang tidak lulus 100 persen. Angka ketidaklulusan tertinggi hanya 33,3 persen di MA dengan jumlah peserta ujian 6 orang dan 2 orang tidak lulus," katanya.

Berdasarkan kabupaten dan kota atau wilayah kata dia, tingkat ketidaklulusan tertinggi SMA/MA dipegang Kota Yogyakarta dengan jumlah siswa tidak lulus 50 orang (0,82 persen) dari total 6.077 peserta. Diikuti Sleman 48 siswa (1,09 persen) dari total 4.398 peserta, Kulon Progo 21 siswa (1,26 persen) dari 1.668 siswa dan Gunungkidul 14 siswa (0,62 persen) dari 2.257 peserta.

"Kelulusan terbaik tahun ini diraih kabupaten Bantul dengan jumlah peserts 4.443 siswa dan tidak lulus 15 orang atau hanya 0,34 persen saja yang tidak lulus," katanya.

Dia menambahkan pengumuman kelulusan dilakukan di sekolah masing-masing yang akan dihadiri oleh orangtua/wali murid. Untuk mengantisipasi terjadinya kerawanan pihaknya juga telah berkoordinasi dengan kepolisian maupun sekolah agar siswa tidak melakukan konvoi menggunakan sepeda motor.

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99.9 Percent of Students Graduating from high school in Yogyakarta UN

Yogyakarta - A total of 198 students to senior high schools and vocational schools in Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY) do not pass the National Exam (UN). Figures for UN graduation time rose to 99.9 percent from a year earlier. This year students who did not pass only 0.79 percent or less than 1 percent.

"This year the figure rose kelulusanya better than before which reached 5 percent," said the Head of Education Youth and Sports (Disdikpora) DIY, Baskara Aji told reporters at the office of Yogyakarta Jl Cendana, Monday (05/16/2011).

According to him, the entire student senior high schools and vocational schools that follow the UN this year as many as 41,700 students. As many senior high schools and vocational UN participants, 198 of whom did not pass. Students SMA / MA who are not graduating as many as 148 students. As many as 50 vocational students did not pass the national examination.

Baskara said based on the courses, the highest failure rate MA high school and is majoring in social studies with the number of students not graduating 114 students. The second sequence is the science stream as many as 31 people. Next is a religion as much as 3 people. "For language classes in high school passed 100 percent," he said.

According to the UN organizers of this year's school consists of 173 high school science combined with 30, 201 IPS high schools, 11 high school Language, 11 MA Religion and 157 SMK with 36 combined.

"Out of school providers, there are no schools that did not pass 100 percent. The highest failure rate is only 33.3 per cent in the number of examinees MA with 6 people and 2 people did not pass," he said.

Based on the district and town or region he said, the highest failure rate SMA / MA held city of Yogyakarta with the number of students do not graduate 50 people (0.82 percent) of the total 6077 participants. Sleman followed 48 students (1.09 percent) of the total 4398 participants, Kulon Progo 21 students (1.26 percent) from 1668 students and Gunungkidul 14 students (0.62 percent) from 2257 participants.

"The best graduation this year won the Bantul district with a total peserts 4443 students and does not pass the 15 people or only 0.34 percent are not graduating," he says.

He added graduation announcements made at each school which will be attended by parents / guardians of students. To anticipate the vulnerabilities his company also has coordinated with police and schools for students not doing convoy on a motorbike.

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