
Bencana Longsor Ancam 8 Rumah di Guwosari

BANTUL: Akibat hujan yang terus mengguyur, rumah milik Kasiyem, warga Watu Gedug RT2/RW31, Guwosari, Pajangan, semalam tertimpa longsoran tebing, sehingga rata dengan tanah. Kini tebing itu menghantui delapan rumah yang berada di bawahnya.

Longsor terjadi sebanyak dua kali. Pertama sekitar pukul 23.00 WIB. Waktu itu Kasiyem yang sudah renta masih berada di dalam rumah. Namun beruntung, dia mendengar jika ada suara keras yang berasal dari belakang rumah.

Warga yang mendengar suara keras itupun langsung menghampiri rumah Kasiyem.”Waktu itu ada tiga orang tetangga yang menolong ibu saya,” ujar Slamet,54, anak pertama Kasiyem saat ditemui Harian Jogja di lokasi.

Tak berselang lama setelah Kasiyem diselamatkan, longsoran tebing beserta sejumlah pohon kelapa menimbun rumah Kasiyem. Suasana dusun yang terletak di Selatan Goa Selarong tersebut mendadak mencekam. Terlebih waktu itu hujan masih mengguyur dan tidak semua rumah sudah ada penerangan.

Longsor kembali terjadi untuk kedua kalinya Sabtu dini hari sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB. Longsoran yang membawa material pohon itupun menutup rumah Kasiyem. Kemarin, warga bergotong royong mengambil sejumlah perabotan rumah yang masih dapat diselamatkan.(Harian Jogja/Andreas Tri Pamungkas)

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Landslide Disaster Threatens 8 Houses in Guwosari

BANTUL: Due to the rain which kept flushed, Kasiyem owned homes, residents Watu Gedug RT2/RW31, Guwosari, Displays, falling avalanche cliff last night, so that the flat on the ground. Today the cliff eight haunted house underneath it.

Landslides occurred twice. The first at around 23:00 pm. It was already old Kasiyem still inside the house. But lucky, he heard a loud noise if there is coming from back home.

Residents who heard a loud voice rose straight up to the house Kasiyem. "At that time there were three people who helped my mother's neighbors," said Slamet, 54, first child Jogja Daily Kasiyem when found at the site.

Not long ago after Kasiyem saved, along with a number of rock avalanches have a house full of palm trees Kasiyem. The atmosphere of the village which is located in South Goa Selarong the sudden silence. Especially when it rains still flushed and not all existing homes lighting.

Avalanche re-occur for the second time Saturday morning at around 2:00 pm. Avalanches that carry material that too close a house Kasiyem tree. Yesterday, residents worked together to take some home furnishings that can still be saved.

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