
Demo di Depan Rumah Boediono Ricuh

SLEMAN--MICOM: Puluhan orang yang tergabung dalam Relawan Pemuda Anti Korupsi (Repak), Senin (23/5) siang terlibat bentrokan dengan polisi, di depan kediaman pribadi Wakil Presiden Boediono di Sawitsari, Pikgondang, Condongcatur, Sleman.

Keributan itu bermula saat para aktivis berusaha memasang poster dan spanduk di pagar rumah pribadi Boediono yang bersebelahan dengan Asrama Yonif 403/Warastratama.

Polisi mula-mula melarang para mahasiswa itu memasang poster dan spanduk. Namun kemudian dibiarkan saja. Setelah poster dan spanduk terpasang, polisi kemudian berniat melepas poster dan spanduk itu. Namun, pencopotan spanduk dan poster itu
ditentang oleh para demonstran.

Akibatnya terjadi aksi saling dorong antara polisi dengan pendemo. Pada saat yang sama, sebagian demonstran tetap memasang semua poster dan spanduk di pagar rumah bernomor M-2 itu. Setelah semua spanduk terpasang, para pendemo segera meninggalkan kawasan itu dan membubarkan diri.

Dalam aksinya, mereka meminta agar pemerintah segera melakukan langkah hukum terkait berbagai tindak korupsi yang sudah terbuka seperti korupsi Wisma Atlet dan gratifikasi terhadap Sekjen Mahkamah Konstitusi yang keduanya melibatkan Bendahara Umum Partai Demokrat Nazarudin.

Menurut para demonstran, Presiden SBY yang juga petinggi Partai Demokrat seharusnya bisa cepat bertindak membersihkan bisul di partainya sendiri. (AU/OL-9)

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Demo in Front of House Boediono

SLEMAN - MICOM: Dozens of people joined in the Volunteer Youth Against Corruption (Repak), Monday (23 / 5) afternoon clashed with police, in front of a private residence of Vice President Boediono in Sawitsari, Pikgondang, Condongcatur, Sleman.

The commotion began when the activists tried to put up posters and banners on the fence Boediono private homes adjacent to the Dormitory 403/Warastratama Infantry Battalion.

The police initially banned the students had put up posters and banners. But then left alone. After the posters and banners attached, police then intend to remove posters and banners that. However, the removal of banners and posters
opposed by the demonstrators.

The result is a pushing action between police and demonstrators. At the same time, some demonstrators still put all the posters and banners on the fence house was numbered M-2. After all banners attached, the protesters to leave the area and disperse.

In the action, they ask the government to immediately take legal action related to various acts of corruption which is already open, such as corruption Wisma Athletes and gratuities to Secretary General of the Constitutional Court which involve both the Democratic Party Treasurer Nazarudin.

According to the demonstrators, President Yudhoyono is also high-ranking Democrats should be able to quickly act to clean ulcers in his own party.

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