
Jabatan Gubernur DIY Dipaksakan!

YOGYA ( - Kawulo Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat (KNH) menuding pemerintah pusat terlalu memaksakan kehendaknya sendiri dalam pembahasan Rancangan Undang Undang Keistimewaan DIY.

Munculnya masa perpanjangan dua tahun untuk Gubernur dan Wagub DIY menunjukkan pemerintah, dalam hal ini DPR Komisi II maupun Mendagri, salah kaprah menyelesaikan RUUK menjadi UUK DIY.

"Harusnya selesaikan terlebih dahulu RUUK yang sudah lama tak kunjung usai ini, setelah RUUK menjadi UUK DIY, baru masa perpanjangan jabatan Ngarsodalem (Gubernur DIY Sri Sultan HB X) boleh diperpanjang," kata koordinator KNH, Sigit Sugito, ketika dikonfirmasi wartawan, Minggu (8/5).

Mendagri dan Komisi II DPR, kata Sigit, jangan terlalu memaksakan kehendaknya sendiri. Sudah jelas, rakyat di Yogyakarta meminta penetapan dalam pengisian jabatan Gubernur DIY. Kalaupun dipaksakan pemilihan, tidak ada yang setuju mekanisme itu.

Menurut Sigit, pemerintah yang mengambil terobosan dengan memperpanjang masa jabatan Gubernur dan Wagub DIY hingga 2013 sudah membolak-balikan logika.

"Yang harus diselesaikan dulu itu penyelesaian UUK DIY. Mekanisme pengisian Gubernur DIY melalui Pemilihan atau Penetapan, bukan malah mengumumkan masa perpanjangan Gubernur DIY hingga 2013," geramnya.

Sigit menambahkan, hasil dari UUK DIY nanti dikembalikan ke masyarakat Yogyakarta. Pihaknya mengaku kecewa dengan sikap yang diambil pemerintah dalam memperpanjang masa jabatan Gubernur DIY.

Saat disinggung pemerintah akan menyelesaikan RUUK DIY pada bulan Juni-Juli ini, Sigit membeberkan, itulah yang harus diumumkan terlebih dahulu.

"Iya itu tadi, bagamana hasil dari RUUK menjadi UUK DIY. Apakah diterima atau ditolak masyarakat? Kalau tidak sesuai aspirasi, tentunya kami sebagai kawulo Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat menolak,Kembali lagi ke sejarah. Maklumat 5 September itu jangan dilupakan,” katanya.

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Office of Governor of DIY Enforced!

YOGYA ( - Kawulo Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat (KNH) accused the central government too imposing his own will in the discussion of Draft Law on Privileges DIY.

The emergence of the renewal period of two years to the Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY shows the government, in this case the House of Representatives Commission II and the Home Minister, misguided resolve RUUK become UUK DIY.

"It should first complete a long-RUUK not go after this, after RUUK become UUK DIY, a new renewal period of office Ngarsodalem (Yogyakarta Governor Sri Sultan HB X) may be extended," said coordinator KNH, Sigit Sugito, when confirmed reporters on Sunday (8 / 5).

Minister of Home Affairs and the House of Representatives Commission II, Sigit said, do not be too imposing his own will. Obviously, the people in Yogyakarta requesting determination in filling the post of Governor of DIY. Even if forced election, there is no agreed mechanism.

According to Sigit, the government is taking a breakthrough by extending the term of office of Governor and Deputy Governor of DIY and 2013 has flipped reverse logic.

"That must be resolved before the completion of UUK DIY. Mechanism of charging the Governor of DIY through elections or the Stipulation, not even announce the renewal period until 2013 the Governor of DIY," he growled.

Sigit added, the results of the UUK DIY later returned to the people of Yogyakarta. He said he was disappointed with the attitude taken by the government to extend the term of office of Governor of DIY.

As alluded to DIY RUUK government will finish in June-July, Sigit revealed, that is what should be announced beforehand.

"Yes it was, bagamana results from RUUK become UUK DIY. Whether accepted or rejected society? If it does not match the aspirations, of course we as Kawulo Ngayogyokarto Hadiningrat refused, Back again to history. Notices 5 September it should not be forgotten," he said.

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