
Jampersal Berlaku di Bantul, Biaya Melahirkan Gratis

BANTUL: Jaminan Persalinan (Jampersal) untuk warga yang tak ikut dalam jaminan kesehatan sudah dapat diakses warga Bantul. Biaya persalinan pengguna Jampersal ditanggung gratis oleh pemerintah pusat.

Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Bantul, Siti Noor Zaenab Syech Said kepada Harian Jogja, Kamis (19/5) mengatakan, pelaksanaan Jampersal sudah dibuka sejak April di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul, dan mulai dibuka Mei ini di sejumlah RS yang bekerjasama dengan pemerintah. Dikatakannya, Dinas Kesehatan bekerjasama dengan delapan RS di Bantul, 27 puskesmas, 16 rumah bersalin serta 24 bidan praktik swasta.

Mekanismenya, pasien yang melahirkan normal hanya boleh bersalin di puskesmas, bidan praktik atau rumah bersalin. Delapan RS hanya diperuntukan bagi pasien hamil berisiko tinggi. Misalnya, mengandung bayi kembar, bayi lahir terbalik atau ibu yang telah operasi berkali-kali. Terkecuali kata dia, ibu yang bersangkutan mendapat rujukan dari puskesmas harus melahirkan di RS.

“Jadi prosedurnya, tidak semua pasien Jampersal ke RS. Kalau semua ke RS bakal membludak. Kalau pasien normal tapi melahirkan di RS tidak akan ditanggung Jampersal,” terangnya.(Harian Jogja/Bhekti Suryani)

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Jampersal Applicable in Bantul, Free Maternal Costs

BANTUL: Delivery Assurance (Jampersal) for residents who do not participate in health insurance has been accessible to residents of Bantul. Labor costs borne Jampersal users free of charge by the central government.

Chief Health Office in Bantul, Siti Noor Zaenab Syech Said to Jogja Daily, Thursday (19 / 5) say, the implementation of Jampersal been opened since April in Panembahan Senopati Hospital in Bantul, and started to open this May in a number of hospitals that cooperate with the government. He said Health Department in collaboration with eight hospitals in Bantul, 27 health centers, 16 maternity homes and 24 private practice midwives.

The mechanism is, patients who normally only allowed to give birth in the maternity clinic, midwife or a maternity home practices. Eight RS is intended only for high-risk pregnant patients. For example, carrying twins, infants born upside down, or women who have surgery many times. Except he said, the mother in question received a referral from the clinic to give birth in hospital.

"So the procedure, not all patients Jampersal to the hospital. If all the hospitals would have exploded. If normal patients but to give birth in hospitals were not covered by Jampersal, "she explained.

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