
Lagi-Lagi, Video Mesum Guncang GK

WONOSARI ( - Kasus video mesum kembali merebak di Gunungkidul dan kali ini diduga dilakukan pasangan selingkuh oknum karyawan swasta. Bahkan, tontonan tak layak ini sudah beredar meluas.

"Video mesum ini diduga direkam dari ponsel, kemudian dijual oleh pemiliknya di konter. Lantas, disebar ke masyarakat. Saya sendiri sempat melihat dari ponsel teman karena penasaran," kata Warga Kecamatan Patuk, Gunawan kepada, Selasa (31/5).

Kendati demikian, Gunawan menguatirkan peredaran video mesum ini telebih di kalangan pelajar. Dan, meminta petugas berwajib bisa menangani dengan tuntas.

"Semua pelaku dan pengedar harus diusut serta mendapat hukuman setimpal. Dan, berusaha agar kasus serupa tidak terjadi lagi,' imbuhnya.

Secara terpisah, Kapolres Gunungkidul, AKBP Asep Nalaludin mengaku belum menerima laporan dari masyarakat namun tetap menerjunkan personil untuk menelusurinya. Bahkan, berjanji akan mengusutnya dengan tuntas. (Bmp)

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Again and Again, Porn Video Socked in GK

Wonosari ( - The case of a video nasty re-emerged in Gunungkidul and this time the couple allegedly having an affair unscrupulous private sector employees. In fact, unworthy of this spectacle has been circulated widely.

"Video is alleged bawdy recorded from the phone, and for sale by owner at the counter. So, spread into the community. I myself saw from a friend's phone out of curiosity," said Citizens District Patuk, Gunawan told, Tuesday (31 / 5) .

However, Gunawan worried this video nasty more circulation among students. And, ask the officer authorities could deal with thoroughly.

"All the players and dealers should be prosecuted and punished accordingly. And, trying to make a similar case does not happen again, 'he added.

Separately, police chief Gunungkidul, Asep AKBP Nalaludin claimed to have received a report from the public but still sent their personnel to move around. In fact, promised to investigate thoroughly.

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