
Pembunuhan Sadis di Hotel Wilis Terungkap

YOGYAKARTA – Jajaran Kepolisian Ressort Kota Yogyakarta berhasil mengungkap pelaku pembunuhan salah seorang tamu Hotel Wilis, Jalan SultanAgung,Mergangsan Yogyakarta.

Pelaku berinisal JW,41,warga Lampung berhasil ditangkap di rumah kos daerah Tamanan, Banguntapan, Bantul. Dari hasil penyidikan polisi, diketahui pelaku sudah merencanakan pembunuhan terhadap korban. Pelaku dalam melakukan aksinya mendapat bantuan dua orang dengan imbalan Rp1 Juta. “Motif pembunuhan dilakukan karena masalah utang piutang, tersangka sakit hati karena korban hutang Rp10 juta dan tidak bisa membayar,” kata Kapolresta Yogyakarta AKBP Mustaqim.

Menurut Mustaqim, dalam pembunuhan berencana ini, pelaku bertindak sebagai eksekutor, sedangkan dua pelaku lain berperan membantu mengikat dan membuat pingsan korban.Dari tangan pelaku JW, polisi berhasil mengamankan barang-barang milik korban seperti HP. “Dua pelaku lain masih dalam pengejaran,” ungkapnya. Kasatreskrim Polresta Yogyakarta Kompol Donny Siswoyo menerangkan,terungkapnya kasus pembunuhan ini berawal dari hasil penelusuran identitas KTP seorang mahasiswa atas nama Mahmudin, 22, warga Trimukti BTS Ulu Musi Rawas, Sumatra Selatan, yang ditinggalkan di Hotel Wilis.Dari identitas yang ditemukan ini, orang tua korban datang ke Polresta dan dibawa ke RS Sardjito, tempat korban diautopsi. “Orang tua korban yakin jika jenazah tersebut anaknya,”ujarnya.

Setelah diyakini bahwa korban meninggal adalah anaknya yang bernama Mahmudin, orang tua korban langsung dibawa ke Polresta untuk dimintai keterangan.Kepada polisi, orang tua korban mengatakan bahwa anaknya mempunyai teman yang beralamatkan di Yogyakarta.“Dari situ,kita melakukan penelusuran hingga berhasil menangkap tersangka pada Rabu (4/5) kemarin,” papar Donny Siswoyo.

Sebagaimana diketahui,korban ditemukan tewas dengan 20 luka tusukan di dalam kamar nomor 4 Hotel Wilis pada Sabtu (30/4).Korban tewas telungkup dengan kondisi kedua tangan dan kaki diikat menggunakan tali plastik. muji barnugroho

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Cruel Murder at Hotel Willis Revealed

YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta City Board of Police Ressort managed to uncover the perpetrators of the murder of one of the guests Hotel Willis, SultanAgung Road, Mergangsan Yogyakarta.

Actors berinisal JW, 41, was captured in Lampung resident boarding house Tamanan area, Banguntapan, Bantul. From the results of police investigation, known to the perpetrator had planned the murder of the victim. Actors in to commit crimes get the help of two men in exchange for Rp 1 million. "The motive for the killing done doubtful debt problems, the alleged victim was hurt that Rp 10 million debt and unable to pay," said Yogyakarta AKBP Kapolresta Mustaqim.

According Mustaqim, in this murder, the perpetrator acted as executor, while two other players and make plays to help tie the hands of perpetrators JW korban.Dari fainted, the police managed to secure the victim's belongings such as HP. "Two other players are still in pursuit," he said. Yogyakarta Police Kasatreskrim Kompol Siswoyo Donna explained, the unfolding of this murder case originated from the search results the identity of a student ID card in the name of Mahmudin, 22, a resident of BTS Trimukti Ulu Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, which was left at the Hotel Wilis.Dari identity found in this, parents the victim came to the Police and taken to this hospital, where victims of an autopsy. "Parents are the victim believes if the body was his son," he said.

After it is believed that the victim died was his son Mahmudin, the victim's parents immediately brought to the Police for questioning keterangan.Kepada police, the victim's parents said that her son has a friend who addressed in Yogyakarta. "From there, we conduct searches until the suspect caught on Wednesday (4 / 5) yesterday, "said Donny Siswoyo.

As known, the victim was found dead with 20 stab wounds in room number 4 Hotel Willis on Saturday (30 / 4). The death toll on your stomach with both hands and feet condition bound using plastic straps.YOGYAKARTA - Yogyakarta City Board of Police Ressort managed to uncover the perpetrators of the murder of one of the guests Hotel Willis, SultanAgung Road, Mergangsan Yogyakarta.

Actors berinisal JW, 41, was captured in Lampung resident boarding house Tamanan area, Banguntapan, Bantul. From the results of police investigation, known to the perpetrator had planned the murder of the victim. Actors in to commit crimes get the help of two men in exchange for Rp 1 million. "The motive for the killing done doubtful debt problems, the alleged victim was hurt that Rp 10 million debt and unable to pay," said Yogyakarta AKBP Kapolresta Mustaqim.

According Mustaqim, in this murder, the perpetrator acted as executor, while two other players and make plays to help tie the hands of perpetrators JW korban.Dari fainted, the police managed to secure the victim's belongings such as HP. "Two other players are still in pursuit," he said. Yogyakarta Police Kasatreskrim Kompol Siswoyo Donna explained, the unfolding of this murder case originated from the search results the identity of a student ID card in the name of Mahmudin, 22, a resident of BTS Trimukti Ulu Musi Rawas, South Sumatra, which was left at the Hotel Wilis.Dari identity found in this, parents the victim came to the Police and taken to this hospital, where victims of an autopsy. "Parents are the victim believes if the body was his son," he said.

After it is believed that the victim died was his son Mahmudin, the victim's parents immediately brought to the Police for questioning keterangan.Kepada police, the victim's parents said that her son has a friend who addressed in Yogyakarta. "From there, we conduct searches until the suspect caught on Wednesday (4 / 5) yesterday, "said Donny Siswoyo.

As known, the victim was found dead with 20 stab wounds in room number 4 Hotel Willis on Saturday (30 / 4). The death toll on your stomach with both hands and feet condition bound using plastic straps.

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