
Persiba Bantul : Sempurna!

Radar Jogja | Satu kata untuk Persiba Bantul, sempurna. Tiga prestasi diraih Persiba Bantul di musim kompetisi Divisi Utama 2010/2011.

Predikat juara diraih Persiba Bantul setelah di pertandingan grand final menang atas Persiraja Banda Aceh 1-0 (1-0) tadi malam di Stadion Manahan Solo. Kegembiraan kubu Persiba Bantul berlipat, ketika dua predikat bergengsi juga menjadi milik anak-anak Bantul. Top skorer Liga Divisi Utama 2010/2011 disematkan untuk striker Persiba Bantul Fortune Udo yang mengemas 36 gol.

Satu lagi gelar bergengsi, yakni pemain terbaik menjadi milik elcapitano Laskar Sultan Agung Wahyu Wiji Astanto. Gol semata wayang yang dicetak Wahyu Wiji Astanto menempatkannya sebagai pemain terbaik musim ini. Tiga gelar ini melengkapi kegembiraan kubu Persiba Bantul sebelumnya yang sudah memastikan lolos ke kasta sepak bola tertinggi tanah air Liga Super musim depan. Penantian panjang tim kebanggaan Paserbumi ini terobati dan dituntaskan dengan capaian sempurna tadi malam.

Sangat pantas jika Persiba Bantul bergembira atas capaian ini. Tak salah jika belasan ribu Paserbumi yang rela nglurug ke Solo berpesta pora di Stadion Manahan Solo. Mereka memerahka stadion kebanggaan wong Solo itu, dan membuatnya seolah berpesta di kandang sendiri.

Mereka menuntaskan kegembiraan sebagai penahbisan mimpi yang sempat tertunda sebelumnya.Dua musim sebelumnya, Persiba Bantul gagal menggapai mimpinya masuk Liga Super. Dan kali ini, mimpi panjang itu terwujud dengan indah. Happy Ending dibuat anak-anak Bantul.

Atas predikat juara Divisi Utama 2010/2011, Persiba Bantul berhak mengantongi hadiah uang tunai Rp 500 juta. Fortune Udo sebagai pencetak gol terbanyak mendapatkan hadiah uang tunai Rp 25 juta dan sepatu emas. Sedangkan Wahyu Wiji Astanto juga berhak atas uang tunai Rp 25 juta sebagai pemain terbaik. “Luar biasa. Kami pantas menyukuri keberhasilan ini,” kata Manajer Persiba Bantul Idham Samawi.

Mantan bupati Bantul ini memang pantas menjadi sosok yang paling bergembira atas keberhasilan ini. Dua musim sebelumnya, kala dirinya masih menjabat bupati Bantul, Persiba Bantul kandas di babak delapan besar. “Hari ini, kami benar-benar puas dengan permainan anak-anak. Apalagi bisa mencapai hasil maksimal menjuarai Divisi Utama 2010/2011,” tambahnya.

Pelatih Persiba Bantul Sajuri Said juga pantas menjadi sosok yang paling berbahagia atas kemenangan ini. Capaian empat prestasi di musim ini membawanya menjadi pelatih yang fenomenal. Meski hanya menyandang lisensi B, namun Mister Koprol membuktikan bahwa timnya pantas menjadi yang terbaik. “Alhamdulillah. Kami mendapatkan hasil yang memuaskan,” kata pelatih yang low profile ini.

Predikat juara memang pantas disandang Persiba Bantul. Kemenangan atas Persiraja Banda Aceh sudah diprediksi sejak awal. Konsistensi dan kematangan tim asuhan Sajuri Said di pertandingan-pertandingan sebelumnya dibuktikan lagi di laga puncak tadi malam.

Sejak wasit Jimly Napitupulu meniup peluitnya, anak-anak Bantul langsung mengambil inisiatif menyerang. Mengandalkan Fortune Udo dan UGik Sugianto di depan, mereka mampu merepotkan tim asuhan Herry Kiswanto. Dukungan lini tengah yang digalang Busari, Arwin, Slamet Nurcahyo dan Ezequiel Gonzales memenangi lini tengah.

Beberapa kali peluang yang diciptakan Persiba Bantul selalu gagal menuai hasil. Kebuntuan akhirnya terbayar ketika kapten Persiba Bantul Wahyu Wiji Astanto sukses menjebol gawang Persiraja memanfaatkan tendangan bebas Slamet Nurcahyo di menit 44.Gol ini menjadi satu-satunya gol yang tercipta di laga kemarin.(din)

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Persiba Bantul: Perfect!

Radar Jogja | One word to Persiba Bantul, perfect. Three accomplishments achieved in Bantul Persiba Main Division season 2010/2011. Predicate champion Persiba Bantul achieved after the grand final match victory over Persiraja Banda Aceh, 1-0 (1-0) last night at Manahan Stadium, Solo. Fun stronghold Persiba Bantul doubled, when two prestigious predicates also belong to the children of Bantul. Main Division League Top scorer 2010/2011 pinned to Persiba striker Udo Fortune Bantul that packaged 36 goals.

One more prestigious titles, namely the best players become the property of Sultan Agung Wahyu elcapitano Warriors Wiji Astanto. Gol mere puppet of printed Revelation Wiji Astanto placing it as the best player this season. Three degree complements previous Bantul Persiba excitement stronghold that has been passed to ensure the highest caste homeland soccer Super League next season. Long waits team pride this Paserbumi treated and resolved with a perfect performance last night.

Very reasonable if Persiba Bantul happy for this achievement. Not if one is willing to tens of thousands Paserbumi nglurug to Solo partying at Manahan Stadium, Solo. They pride wong Solo make red stadium, and make it as a party at home.

They complete joy as dream ordination was delayed before. Two previous season, Persiba failed to reach his dream of Bantul enter Super League. And this time, the long dream come true with the beautiful. Happy Ending made Bantul children.

Top predicate Main Division champions 2010/2011, Persiba Bantul entitled to pocket a cash prize of Rp 500 million. Udo Fortune as the leading scorer get a cash prize of Rp 25 million and gold shoes. While Revelation Wiji Astanto also entitled to $ 25 million in cash as the best player. "Incredible. We deserve menyukuri this success, "said Persiba manager Bantul Idham.

Former Regent of Bantul is indeed worthy of a person who's most happy for this success. Two seasons earlier, when he was appointed Regent of Bantul, Bantul Persiba aground in the round of eight. "Today, we are completely satisfied with children's games. Moreover, to achieve maximum results to win the Main Division 2010/2011, "he added.

Coach Said Persiba Bantul Sajuri also deserve to be the happiest person on this victory. Achievements four achievements in this season led him to become a phenomenal coach. Though only bearing the license B, but Mister Koprol prove that his team deserved to be the best. "Alhamdulillah. We get great results, "the coach said this very low profile.

Predicate champion deserved carried Persiba Bantul. Victory over Persiraja Banda Aceh has been predicted since the beginning. Consistency and maturity Sajuri Said farm team in previous matches proved again at the top of the game last night.

Since the referee blew his whistle Jimly Napitupulu, Bantul children immediately took the initiative to attack. Relying Fortune Udo and UGik Lewis in front, they were able to trouble the care team Kiswanto Herrera. Support midfield raised Busari, Arwin, Slamet Nurcahyo and Ezequiel Gonzalez won the midfield.

Several times the opportunities created by Persiba Bantul always fail to reap results. The impasse finally paid off when captain Persiba Bantul Rev. Wiji Astanto Persiraja goal advantage to break a successful free kick in minute 44.Gol Slamet Nurcahyo this to be the only goal that is created in the game yesterday.

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