
Puncak Merapi Kembali Diramaikan Para Pendaki

Republika | Puluhan pendaki dari berbagai daerah mulai melakukan pendakian ke puncak Merapi, karena mereka menganggap kondisi gunung teraktif di dunia itu sudah kembali normal.

Ada sekitar 30 pendaki yang melakukan pendakian ke Merapi melalui pintu Selo, Boyolali, dalam sepekan ini, kata anggota SAR Barameru Desa Lencoh Samsuri, di Boyolali, Jumat.

Menurut dia, pendaki kebanyakan berasal dari Yogyakarta dan Solo. Bahkan, mereka ada yang berasal dari luar negeri.

"Para pendaki yang naik ke puncak Merapi mayoritas sudah berpengalaman. Sehingga, petugas penjaga pintu `base camp` di Dukuh Plalangan, Lencoh, membiarkan saja mereka melakukan pendakian," katanya.

Apalagi, kata dia, kondisi cuaca di puncak Merapi beberapa hari ini sangat cerah, sehingga para pendaki dibiarkan melakukan pendakian, meski pintu pendakian secara resmi belum dinyatakan dibuka oleh instansi terkait.

Menurut dia, para pendaki yang melakukan pendakian biasanya mulai naik sekitar pukul 24.00 WIB hingga 01.00 WIB dini hari, dan mereka mulai turun dari puncak sekitar pukul 10.00 WIB.

"Kegiatan pendakian itu yang ramai biasanya malam minggu atau malam liburan," katanya.

Ia mengakui, warga lereng Merapi menganggap kondisi Merapi hingga saat ini sudah kembali baik. Karena, beberap pekan terakhir ini, memang tidak dirasakan adanya suara gemuruh dari puncak paskaerupsi.

Oleh karena itu, warga Merapi sudah beraktivitas seperti biasa, mereka yang ke ladang di lereng gunung sudah kelihatan tidak was-was lagi.

Ia menjelaskan, Gunung Merapi dalam satu pekan dipastikan ada sejumlah wisatawan asing yang naik ke puncak. Mereka dua hingga tiga orang yang dipandu oleh pemandu wisata warga setempat.

"Wisatawan asing di antaranya berasal dari Prancis dan Belanda," katanya.

Yanto (35) salah satu pemandu wisatawan asing warga Selo, mengatakan, paska erupsi jumlah pendaki dari mancanegara menurun, meski masih ada satu dua orang yang melakukan pendakian.

Warga asing yang melakukan pendakian ke Merapi, ada yang tujuannya untuk penelitian, tetapi banyak juga hanya wisata menikmati pemandangan.

"Merapi kini sudah membaik, sehingga saya berani mengantar warga asing ke puncak," katanya.

Redaktur: taufik rachman
Sumber: antara

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The Peak of Merapi Back Enlivened The Climber

Dozens of climbers from various regions began to make the climb to the summit of Merapi, because they consider the condition of the world's most active volcano has returned to normal.

There are about 30 climbers who make the climb to Merapi through the door Selo, Boyolali, in this week, said a member of the SAR Barameru Lencoh Samsuri Village, in Boyolali, Friday.

According to him, climbers mostly from Yogyakarta and Solo. In fact, there are those who come from abroad.

"The climbers who climbed to the top of Merapi, the majority had experienced. So, the official doorman` base camp 'in Hamlet Plalangan, Lencoh, let them make the climb, "he said.

Moreover, he said, the weather conditions at the peak of Merapi few days is very bright, so the climbers left to make the climb, although the door has not been declared officially climb opened by the relevant agencies.

According to him, the climbers who make the climb usually starts to rise at around 24.00 pm until 1:00 am in the morning, and they began to fall from the peak around 10:00 am.

"The climb is usually bustling holiday weekend or evening," he said.

He acknowledged, residents consider the condition of the slopes of Merapi Merapi to date has already come back good. Since, several this past weekend, did not feel the roar of the peak paskaerupsi.

Therefore, the citizens of Merapi has been active as usual, those who are into the fields on the slopes of the mountain in sight no longer alarmed.

He explained that the Mount Merapi in a week certainly there are a number of foreign tourists rose to the top. They are two to three people who are guided by the guide local residents.

"Foreign tourists are from France and the Netherlands," he said.

Yanto (35) one foreign tourist guides Selo resident, said the post-eruption decreased the number of climbers from around the world, although there is still one of two people who make the climb.

Foreigners who make the climb to Merapi, there is a purpose for research, but many also just enjoy the scenery tourism.

"Merapi has now been improved, so I dare to bring foreigners to the top," he said.

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