
Seorang Perempuan Tewas Terserempet Kereta Api Ekspres

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,YOGYAKARTA - Seorang perempuan pedagang pakaian tewas terserempet Kereta Api Prambanan Ekspres yang melaju dari arah Solo menuju ke Kutoarjo di sekitar Pasar Talok, Kecamatan Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Selasa (10/5) pukul 06.30 WIB.

Korban diketahui bernama Sri Hartini (40). Korban adalah warga Butuhan, Delanggu, Jawa Tengah, yang sering memasok pakaian ke pedagang di Pasar Talok.

"Kami sudah berteriak mengingatkan, tetapi kemungkinan perempuan itu tidak mendengar. Saat akan melintas rel, ia membawa dagangan yang cukup banyak," kata Hartono, salah seorang saksi mata, di lokasi kejadian.

Hartono mengatakan pada saat kejadian di jalur lain juga sedang melintas Kereta Api Bengawan dari Jakarta menuju Solo. Korban kemudian dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Dr Sardjito Yogyakarta.

Kepala Humas PT Kereta Api Daerah Operasional (Daop) VI Yogyakarta, Eko Budiyanto, mengatakan pihaknya sudah berulang kali memperingatkan masyarakat agar berhati-hati. Karena, sebenarnya lokasi di sekitar rel kereta api merupakan kawasan yang harus steril dari lalu lalang warga masyarakat. Di kawasan rel kereta api tersebut, tidak boleh ada aktivitas warga masyarakat seperti orang berjualan atau pasar. Kawasan itu hanya boleh digunakan untuk lalu lintas kereta api.

"Saat ada warga masyarakat yang beraktivitas di rel kereta api, yang bersangkutan justru dapat dikategorikan sudah melanggar Undang-undang Perkeretaapian," kata Eko.

Apalagi, kata dia, lokasi kejadian sudah merupakan "double track" sehingga masyarakat akan sangat sulit memperkirakan di jalur mana kereta api akan melintas. Ia juga berharap masyarakat tidak merusak pagar pembatas di sisi kanan dan kiri rel kereta api sebagai jalur pintas warga antarkampung. Karena, fungsi pagar pembatas itu sebagai pengaman.

Rel kereta api di kawasan Baciro tersebut memisahkan dua kampung yaitu Gendeng dan Sapen.

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A Woman Killed By Railway Express

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, YOGYAKARTA - A woman was killed by a clothes trader Prambanan Express Railway is moving from the direction toward the Kutoarjo Solo Around Talok Market, Gondokusuman District, the city of Yogyakarta, on Tuesday (10 / 5) 06:30 pm.

Victims known named Sri Hartini (40). The victim is a citizen needs, Delanggu, Central Java, which often supply clothing to merchants in the Market Talok.

"We've been screaming to remind, but chances are she did not hear. We will cross the tracks, he brings a lot of merchandise," said Hartono, one eyewitness, at the scene.

Hartono said at the time of the incident on the other line also was passing Bengawan Train from Jakarta to Solo. The victim was taken to Dr Sardjito Hospital in Yogyakarta.

Head of Public Relations of PT Kereta Api Operational Area (Daop) VI Yogyakarta, Eko Budiyanto, said it had repeatedly warned the public to be careful. Because, the actual locations around the railway line is a sterile area must be of passing citizens. In the area of ​​the railroad, there can be no community activities such as people selling or market. The area should only be used for rail traffic.

"When there are people who move in the railroad, it can be categorized in question had violated the Law of Railways," said Eko.

Moreover, he said, the scene is already a "double track" so that people will be very difficult to estimate at which point the train will pass. He also hopes the public does not damage the guardrail on the right and left of the railway as a shortcut antarkampung citizens. Because it functions as a safety fence.

Railroads in the region separating the two villages Baciro namely Gendeng and Sapen.

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