
Video Porno Pelajar, Bantul Gempar

BANTUL, — Video asusila bertajuk Sanden Bergoyang, diduga dilakukan oleh gadis yang masih duduk di bangku SMA, menggemparkan Bantul, Yogyakarta, Senin (9/5/2011).

Pria dalam rekaman itu adalah mahasiswa yang diduga pacar si gadis. Kontan saja video tersebut membuat heboh sekaligus resah masyarakat di Kecamatan Sanden, Kabupaten Bantul, DI Yogyakarta.

Dikatakan oleh Mustaqim, warga Sanden, dirinya mendapatkan video berdurasi 10 menit tersebut dari internet. "Di internet sudah banyak," katanya singkat.

Dalam cuplikan video tersebut, terlihat si pelaku pria sengaja merekam adegan mereka dengan alat perekam yang diletakkan di atas meja. Selanjutnya, kedua pelaku melakukan adegan demi adegan layaknya bintang film porno.

Entah siapa yang pertama mengunggahnya ke internet, tetapi yang pasti video tersebut kini sudah tersebar dengan cepat melalui telepon seluler. Santer kabar, pelaku wanitanya adalah warga Kecamatan Sanden yang masih berstatus pelajar SMA.

Namun, saat sejumlah wartawan mendatangi SMA 1 Kretek yang diduga tempat pelaku bersekolah, pihak sekolah enggan berkomentar. Sejumlah guru tidak berani berkomentar karena belum pernah melihat video tersebut.

Sementara itu, Kepala Polsek Sanden Ajun Komisaris Harijanto mengatakan, walapun belum ada laporan resmi, polisi sudah melakukan penyelidikan terkait beredarnya video tersebut.

"Kami sudah melakukan penyelidikan terhadap beredarnya video porno tersebut. Tapi kami belum mengetahui siapa pelaku dan pengedar video itu. Kami tidak mau gegabah," ungkap Harijanto.

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Student Porn Video, Bantul Uproar

BANTUL, - Video immoral titled Swaying Sanden, allegedly carried out by a girl in the junior high school, shocking Bantul, Yogyakarta, on Monday (09/05/2011).

The man in the tape is a student who alleged the girl's boyfriend. Cash only these videos make a scene at once restless people in the District Sanden, Bantul, Yogyakarta.

It is said by Mustaqim, residents Sanden, he got 10-minute video from the internet. "The internet has been a lot," he said briefly.

In the video footage, seen the perpetrator man they accidentally recording scene with a tape recorder placed on the table. Furthermore, the two actors do the scene after scene like a porn star.

Whoever first upload to the Internet, but the video certainly has now spread quickly via mobile phones. Santer news, female perpetrators are citizens of the District Sanden still a high school student.

However, when a number of journalists went to SMA 1 Kretek alleged perpetrators of school places, school parties reluctant to say. Some teachers do not dare to comment because it had never seen the video.

Meanwhile, Police Chief Adjunct Commissioner Sanden Harijanto said, even though there has been no official statement, police have conducted investigations related to the circulation of the video.

"We have conducted investigations on the circulation of pornographic videos. But we do not know who the perpetrators and video dealers. We do not want to be careless," said Harijanto.

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