
'Crop Circle' Juga Ditemukan di Pakem

SLEMAN ( - Rebahan padi yang menyerupai 'crop circle' juga ditemukan di areal persawahan Dusun Beji, Harjobinangun, Pakem. Namun, rebahan padi tersebut hanya terjadi di satu petak sawah saja. Pengamatan Bentuk rebahan padi ini menjalar dari sisi timur ke barat. Panjangnya mencapai 30 meter serta lebarnya antara 30-40 centimeter. Selain itu, bentuknya juga berliuk-liuk seolah seperti naga atau ular.

"Saya pertama kali melihat sejak Minggu (15/5) kemarin. Jadi, ini sebenarnya sudah lama. Baru kemarin saya amati, kok sepertinya sama dengan yang ramai diberitakan temuan di Minomartani, Ngaglik itu," ungkap Suripto, penggarap sawah saat ditemui di tempat rebahan padi tersebut, Sabtu (21/5).

Kendati merobohkan hampir seluruh tanaman padinya, namun Suripto tidak mempersoalkannya. Pasalnya, padi-padi yang roboh itu masih bisa dipanen. "Umurnya sudah 4 bulan. Sebulan lagi memasuki masa panen. Meski roboh, namun masih bisa dipanen hasilnya," jelasnya.

Dari bentuk robohan padi tersebut, ditambahkan Suripto, bukan dikarenakan angin. Namun, lebih disebabkan tindakan manusia yang usil. "Dulu itu hanya kecil saja. Dari ujung timur hingga ujung barat ini. Namun, ditengahnya kok ada yang melebar. Yang melebar itu mungkin karena angin. Kalau yang lain bukan angin," tandasnya.

Ny Hendro Sucipto yang rumahnya tak jauh dari lokasi, juga sempat kaget saat melihat robohan padi tersebut. Dirinya juga mengira, bukan disebabkan oleh angin. "Ini bukan angin. Tapi apakah manusia atau bukan yang bikin ini, saya tidak tahu," jelasnya.

Luas petak sawah yang digarap Suripto ini hanya 200 meter persegi saja. Namun, temuan ini menarik perhatian pihak berwenang. Polsek Pakem pun menerjunkan petugas untuk mengamati robohan padi tersebut. (Dhi)

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'Crop Circle' Is Also Found in Pakem

SLEMAN ( - lying paddy-like 'crop circle' also found in rice fields Beji Village, Harjobinangun, Pakem. However, the rice is just lying in a patch of rice field only. Observations this form of lying paddy spread from the east to west. Reach 30 meters in length and width between 30-40 centimeters. In addition, the shape also berliuk-contortion such as dragon or snake.

"I first saw since Sunday (15 / 5) yesterday. So, is long. Just yesterday I observed, how come it seems similar to findings reported in the bustling Minomartani, choosed it," said Suripto, rice cultivators when found in place Rice is lying, Saturday (21 / 5).

Despite pulling down nearly the entire rice crop, but Suripto not discuss it. Because the paddy-rice collapse can still be harvested. "He's already 4 months. A month again entered a period of harvest. Although the collapse, but the results can still be harvested," he explained.

From the ruins of rice, added Suripto, not because of wind. However, more due to human actions that nosy. "Back then it was just small. From the east end to west end of this. However, why there is a widening in the middle. The widening was possible because of the wind. If the other rather than wind," he said.

Mrs Hendro Sucipto whose house not far from the scene, also was surprised when he saw the ruins of rice. He also thinks, is not caused by wind. "This is not the wind. But whether human or not that makes it, I do not know," he explained.

Area of ​​rice fields are tilled Suripto is only 200 square meters only. However, these findings attracted the attention of the authorities. Pakem police officers were deployed to observe the ruins of rice.

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