
Sidang Petani Wates Diprotes, Kulon Progo: Ratusan personel kepolisian disiagakan di sekitar Pengadilan Negeri Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, baru-baru ini. Mereka diminta mengamankan jalannya sidang dengan terdakwa Tukijo yang dituding menyandera tujuh karyawan lepas perusahaan tambang pasir besi PT Jogja Magaza Iron, 8 April silam.

Di saat bersamaan, ratusan orang yang tergabung dalam Paguyuban Petani Lahan Pantai Kulon Progo mendatangi PN Wates. Mereka mendesak Tukijo segera dibebaskan.

Namun untuk dapat masuk ke ruang sidang, massa harus melalui pemeriksaan berlapis termasuk pintu detektor logam. Menurut mereka, Tukijo ditangkap tanpa alasan yang jelas.

Tukijo ditangkap empat polisi berpakaian preman 1 Mei silam. Saat itu Tukijo tengah bekerja di tegalan lahan pasir miliknya.

Belakangan Tukijo dituding melakukan penyanderaan terhadap tujuh karyawan PT Jogja Magaza Iron. Ketujuh karyawan tersebut dinilai warga memasuki daerah terlarang, yaitu ke Dukuh Gupit, Desa Karangsewu, Kecamatan Galur. Para petani mencegat dan sempat menahan mereka selama dua jam.

Para petani menilai penangkapan Tukijo tidak sah di mata hukum. Soalnya saat kejadian Tukijo justru datang belakangan. Dia bermaksud membujuk sesama petani agar tidak anarkis.

Sidang akhirnya tetap digelar, meski belum mencapai putusan akhir. Rencananya sidang ditunda hingga Senin depan.(ULF)

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Protest Hearing Farmers in Wates, Kulon Progo: Hundreds of police personnel stationed in the vicinity of the District Court of Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, recently. They were asked to secure the trial by defendant Tukijo employee accused of holding seven iron out sand mining company PT Jogja Magaza Iron, 8 April last.

At the same time, hundreds of people belonging to the Society of Farmers Land Coast came PN Wates Kulon Progo. They urged Tukijo immediate release.

However, for admission to the courtroom, the masses have to go through layered examination including a metal detector door. According to them, Tukijo arrested for no apparent reason.

Tukijo four plainclothes police arrested May 1 last. At that Tukijo been working on his sand moor land.

Later Tukijo accused of hostage-taking against seven employees of PT Jogja Magaza Iron. The seven employees are valued citizens entering restricted areas, namely to Hamlet Gupit, Karangsewu Village, District Lines. The farmers had intercepted and detained them for two hours.

The farmers assess Tukijo arrest is illegal in the eyes of the law. Because when it comes later Tukijo incident. He intends to persuade fellow farmers for not anarchist.

The trial was held fixed eventually, although not yet reached a final decision. The plan hearing postponed until next Monday.

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