
Empat Terduga Teroris Ditahan di Mako Brimob DIY

SLEMAN ( - Detasemen Khusus 88 Anti Teror Mabes Polri selain melumpuhkan tiga terduga teroris juga menangkap empat terduga teroris lain dan saat ini diamankan di Mako Brimob Polda DIY.

"Kalau yang tewas itu Fg, H dan NI. Sedangkan empat orang yang ditangkap tanpa perlawanan, belum tahu inisialnya. Mereka tadi dibawa dari Sukoharjo ke Yogyakarta. Tiga yang tewas dibawa ke RS Bhayangkara dan empat lainnya dibawa ke Mako Brimob,"kata seorang petugas Polda DIY yang enggan disebut namanya, Sabtu (14/5).

Dia menjelaskan semua terduga teroris akan dibawa ke Jakarta oleh Mabes Polri menggunakan pesawat khusus. Sedangkan berdasarkan pantauan di lapangan, penjagaan RS Bhayangkara Polda DIY semakin diperketat. Bahkan, tim identifikasi dari Polda DIY tidak diizinkan melakukan pemeriksaan awal.

"Kalau sekedar mengamati kondisi mayatnya boleh, tapi mau ambil gambarnya tidak diperkenankan. Makanya, tim iden dari Polda DIY juga tidak bisa melakukan identifikasi. Semua dipegang kendali dari Mabes," imbuhnya. (Dhi)

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Unforeseen Four Terrorists Arrested in Mako Brimob DIY

SLEMAN ( - Special Detachment 88 Anti Terror Police Headquarters in addition to crippling three suspected terrorists also arrested four other suspected terrorists and is currently secured at Mako Yogyakarta police Mobile Brigade.

"If the dead Fg, H and NI. Meanwhile, four people arrested without a fight, do not know the initials. They were taken from Sukoharjo to Yogyakarta. The three who died were taken to hospital Bhayangkara and four others were taken to the Mako Mobile Brigade," said an officer Yogyakarta police are reluctant to be named on Saturday (14 / 5).

He explained that all terrorist suspects are taken to Police Headquarters in Jakarta by using a special plane. While under observation in the field, Bhayangkara Hospital Yogyakarta police custody increasingly tightened. In fact, the identification of the Yogyakarta police team was not allowed to do preliminary hearing.

"If you just observe the condition of the body may, but want to take the pictures are not allowed. Hence, the identity of the Yogyakarta police team also could not identify. All held control of the headquarters," he added.

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