
Perekrut NII Wilayah Yogyakarta Ditangkap Polisi

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN - Salah seorang ketua perekrut Negara Islam Indonesia (NII) wilayah Di Yogyakarta ditangkap polisi Polres Sleman. Ia berinisial RST alias Fani alias Tirta, yang diketahui adalah mahasiswa Fisipol sebuah perguruan tinggi di Yogyakarta. RST ini berasal dari Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung.

Polisi menangkap RST pada Ahad (22/5) lalu di kos-kosan mahasiwa di kawasan Papringan, Caturtunggal, Depok. Saat diperiksa tim penyidik Satreskrim Polres Sleman, Senin (23/5), RST mengaku ada tiga ketua perekrut NII di wilayah DI Yogyakarta. Mereka masing-masing ketua I berinisial AL, ketua II berinisial ND, sedangkan ketua III adalah dia sendiri.

Rencananya, dalam waktu dekat polisi akan memanggil sekitar 8 orang lagi yang terlibat dalam gerakan NII di DI Yogya, yaitu AL dan ND serta 6 orang lain yang telah direkrut Fani.

Kapolres Sleman AKBP Irwan Ramaini mengungkapkan, RST ditangkap setelah polisi menerima laporan dari dua korbannya. Korban pertama berinisial AM alias Nisa (18) warga Sewon, Bantul. Sedangkan korban kedua berinisial EHM alias Handoko. ''Sekitar dua minggu lalu, korban pertama (Nisa) melaporkan dirinya dipaksa dan diancam RST agar segera menyerahkan uang untuk biaya masuk NII,” jelas Kapolres Irwan, Rabu (25/5) sore.

Pengancaman itu terjadi di KFC Jalan Laksda Adisucipto, tepatnya di depan Kampus UIN Jogja. Sebelumnya, Nisa telah bersedia bergabung sebagai anggota NII dengan syarat menyerahkan uang Rp 1,5 juta. Lantaran baru menyerahkan uang Rp 500 ribu, Nisa terus didesak RST agar segera melunasi kekurangannya. Saat itulah Nisa diancam bahwa 'darah orang di luar anggota NII halal hukumnya untuk dibunuh'.

Menurut Kapolres, RST bisa dikenai pasal 107 KUHP tentang permufakatan untuk melakukan makar. Namun, pasal-pasal yang mengatur makar dalam KUHP (pasal 101-110) sudah tidak diberlakukan sejak 2006 silam. Untuk sementara, RST baru dijerat dengan pasal 335 KUHP tentang perbuatan tidak menyenangkan karena telah mengancam Nisa.

Reporter: Yoebal Ganesha

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Recruiters NII Region of Yogyakarta Police Arrested

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SLEMAN - One of his chief recruiter Negara Islam Indonesia (NII), the Yogyakarta Sleman district police arrested. He initials RST alias alias Fani Tirta, which is known to Fisipol a college student in Yogyakarta. RST is derived from Pangkalpinang, Bangka-Belitung.

Police arrested RST on Sunday (22 / 5) and then in boarding-boarding students in the region Papringan, Caturtunggal, Depok. When the investigation team examined Satreskrim Sleman district police on Monday (23 / 5), RST claimed there were three chief recruiter NII in the region of Yogyakarta. They each chair I initials AL, chairman of the initials ND II, while III is chairman of her own.

The plan, in the near future the police will call around 8 more people involved in the movement of NII in DI Yogyakarta, namely AL and ND and 6 other people who have been recruited Fran.

Sleman police chief revealed Ramaini AKBP Irwan, RST was arrested after police received reports of two victims. The first victim the initials AM aka Nisa (18) citizens of Sewon, Bantul. While the second victim the initials EHM aka Handoko. ''About two weeks ago, the first victim (Nisa) reported being forced and threatened him RST to immediately hand over the money for an entrance fee NII, "said police chief Irwan, Wednesday (25 / 5) afternoon.
Threat it happened at KFC Jalan Laksda Adisucipto, precisely in front of the Campus UIN Yogyakarta. Previously, Nisa has been willing to join as a member of the NII in terms of money handed over Rp 1.5 million. Because of new money hand over $ 500 thousand, Nisa continues RST urged to immediately pay off the shortfall. That's when Nisa was threatened that 'the blood of people outside the NII kosher laws to be killed'.

According to the police chief, RST may be subject to Article 107 of the Criminal Code of the agreement to conspire. However, the articles that regulate treason in the Penal Code (articles 101-110) have not been in effect since 2006. For a while, the new RST charged with article 335 of the Criminal Code regarding actions are not fun because it has threatened to Nisa.

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