Urutan 1 - 10 dari sekitar 27.100.000 hasil penelusuran untuk iklan. (0,07 detik)
wow!! 27.100.000 website, so fantasticc!!
this is in text result
Iklan Baris Gratis Efektif di Web - Web Iklan dot com - 13:05
Web Iklan dot com menyajikan media jual beli: aneka, elektronik,hobi,komputer, jasa,mobil,motor,peluang usaha,ponsel,handphone,properti,tanah,rumah ...
www.webiklan.com/ - 20k - Tembolok - Halaman sejenisand we capture this result is :

and now, we'll try to analyse why webiklan.com in the first in Google search engine..
This is layout webiklan.com

Pagerank now is 5/10
This is meta name and meta description :
meta name "keywords" content="iklan,baris,gratis,jual,beli,web,efektif,iklan baris,iklan gratis,classified,aneka,elektronik,hobi,komputer,jasa,mobil,motor,peluang usaha,ponsel,handphone,properti,indonesia"
meta name "description" content="Iklan Baris Gratis di web. Web Iklan dot com menyajikan media jual beli: aneka, elektronik,hobi,komputer,jasa,mobil,motor,peluang usaha,ponsel,handphone,properti,tanah,rumah,apartemen."
we need to know link popoularity web iklan, we are using webmaster toolkit this address
here this result :

This text found of this webiklan footer :
Web Iklan dot com adalah penyedia jasa iklan gratis dalam bentuk iklan baris atau iklan mini untuk media web sejak 2004.
Web Iklan dot com is a free classified provider in Indonesian since 2004.
with whois.sc, we will know about this web time begining :

nice article, try different think with blogspot is cool